better什么时候转换为good betterme是什么意思

时间:2024-10-19 09:42点击:104042次


①good 好;良好(a)

It felt/is so good to be home.回到家的感觉真好。

He was a good husband and father.他是个好丈夫,好父亲。

It will do no good to smoke.吸烟对你没有任何好处。

He is very good to me.他对我很好。

She is good at math.她数学成绩很好。

②well 好,完全地(adv) ;健康的

I don't feel well today. Can I ask for a leave?我今天有些不舒服。我能请个假吗?

He hsa done well in English exam.他英语考试考得很好。

Well, there are a lot of reasons we don't get along.呃/嗯/好吧,我们相处不好是有很多原因的。

as well 也

I'm feeling exhausted and thirsty as well.我又累又渴。

The president is coming as well.董事长也会来。

Our company will have a difficult year next year as well.我们公司明年也困难重重。

as well as 一样好; 和, 与

He is courageous as well as strong.他勇敢强壮。

She speaks French as well as Frechmen.她法语说得和法国人一样好。

The moon as well as the stars was shining down on us.天上的月亮和星星的光芒洒落在我们身上。

may/might as well 不妨,最好

You may as well take the job.你还是接受这份工作的好。

We may as well eat in town before going home.我们不如在城里吃了再回家。

We might as well finish this work tonight.我们最好今晚把这工作做完。

③better 更好的(a) 更好地 (adv)


The more, the better.越多越好。

I feel much better now.我现在(感觉)好多了。

We've done better this time.这次我们做得更好。

she knows better than any one else what it means to a student.她比其他人更清楚这对一个学生意味着什么。

④best最好的(a) 最好地(adv)


This is the best movie I've ever seen.这是我看过的最好看的电影。

I like hotdog (the) best/most.我最喜欢热狗了。

Which pop singer do you like best?你最喜欢哪位流行歌手?

better什么时候转换为good 扩展

better是good的比较级,比较好的意思,顾名思义只有存在此较时才便用better.例如less salt is better than more  to your health.没有比较,只对一物进行评价就是good. The teacher is good.
